30. 04. 2024

How to do it? Involving young people from diverse groups


If we want young people, including those from minorities and vulnerable groups, to feel comfortable in Slovakia and see it as “their country”, they need a voice in society. It is not enough to create policies and activities for young people, it is important to do it together with them.
However, this requires that we respect their views, needs and reflect them in all activities. This is how we have approached this in the project “A Part for All – Promoting the participation of young people from diverse groups”. In it, in addition to research on young people from minority backgrounds, we actively worked with a group of young people to support their civic engagement.
This methodology is an effort to help promote youth participation by highlighting important steps and areas that should not be forgotten when implementing participatory processes. It is the result of a collaboration between CVEK experts and young people from different minority groups. It brings their voice and shows how young people can be involved. It is addressed to municipalities, but also to all organisations, people or informal initiatives working with young people.

The document is an output of the project “A Part for All – Promoting the participation of young people from diverse groups”, supported by the European Union under the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 – KA210-Youth.

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