11. 03. 2024

VOICE FOR ALL – training module for municipalities to support participation of vulnerable groups

Timeframe: March 2024 – February 2025

The project is implemented with support of the ‘Protecting EU Values and Fundamental Rights through Public Participation and Civil Society Assistance in Central Europe – PROTEUS’ project implemented by TF, in cooperation with the Engaging Central Europe (ECE) program of The German Marshall Fund of the United States. The PROTEUS project is co-financed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV) of the European Union.


The project responds to the lack of capacities of local governments to involve vulnerable groups in decision-making processes, despite the fact that participatory processes are increasingly becoming an important tool for public policy-making.

Therefore, the project will map the main experiences and barriers in engaging vulnerable groups, develop a training module for municipalities to increase their capacity to engage these groups, and pilot test it. We will also contribute to raising awareness on engaging vulnerable groups by regularly publishing articles and interviews on the importance of engaging vulnerable groups.


11. 03. 2024

Capacity building of municipalities in refugee inclusion

Timeframe: January 2024 – December 2024.

This project is implemented in cooperation with UNHCR.

The year 2022 has presented many local governments with a new challenge – arrival of refugees from Ukraine. Apart from that the overall number of migrants from other countries is also on the rise. They are new residents of the cities, but they need some support, especially in the beginning, to become full residents and to contribute to the development of the local community. It is the local authorities that play an important role in the integration of refugees and other foreigners.

31. 10. 2023

Development of strategic plans on inclusion of Ukrainian children and families and other vulnerable groups on municipal level

Timeframe: May 2023 – April 2024

Project is funded by UNICEF Slovakia – Ukraine Refugee Response.

In 2022, after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, an unprecedented situation arose when more than 100 000 people received temporary protection in Slovakia. In order for Slovakia to respond effectively to this situation and to ensure adequate conditions in the medium and long term for children and their families from Ukraine who remain in Slovakia, it is important that key actors have reliable policy tools at their disposal. The largest part of the initial reception measures for people on the run has been implemented by municipalities. However, local governments also play a key role in supporting their further integration – they are closest to their citizens and have different roles and responsibilities related to the integration of children and their families from Ukraine.

CVEK’s role in this project is to develop, in cooperation with selected municipalities in different regions of Slovakia, comprehensive medium to long-term and sustainable strategies for the inclusion of Ukrainian children and their families, other foreigners and/or vulnerable population groups at the local level.

The project consists of two phases: 1) a research phase aimed at mapping the situation and analysing the needs in each participating city, and 2) a participatory phase for the creation of strategies for the integration of children and their families from Ukraine, foreigners and/or other vulnerable groups in each city.

1. 05. 2023

A part for All – promoting the participation of young people from diverse groups

Timeframe: 1 May 2022 – 30 May 2024

The project is supported by the European Union under the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 – KA210-Youth



The project connects young people from diverse backgrounds in the Bratislava region. We focus specifically on strengthening the involvement of young people from vulnerable groups such as migrants, Roma, young people with disabilities, LGBTI young people, and young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Young people from vulnerable groups face several barriers to participation (lack of skills, information, self-confidence). In the framework of the project we work directly and intensively with about 15 young people from different groups in the framework of an action group. The action group has been created together with them on the basis of the research on their situation and needs that was carried out in the initial phase of the project. The aim is to strengthen their competences and skills for better participation at local level. Together with them, we will also design a youth strategy for the local government.

Our project partner from Germany, YES Forum, will provide valuable advice and consultation during the project.

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