The population of young people in Slovakia’s towns and cities is becoming increasingly diverse. The Centre for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture has long been addressing the situation, needs and participation of various minority and vulnerable groups, including young people, in its research and advocacy activities. One of the results of our efforts is this document, which aims to show that young people are an important part of local communities. It is therefore essential to pay attention to their needs and specificities when designing public policies also at local level.
In this document, we are trying to highlight the diversity of the young people’s population, which influences how they perceive the world, what their needs are, but also the various barriers they face in their lives. At the same time, the needs of different minority and vulnerable groups often do not receive as much attention as they should in public policies.
This document is intended for policy makers, but also for all actors who implement activities, projects or support measures for young people, and specifically for young people from minority and vulnerable groups. It highlights important aspects that should not be forgotten when designing public policies aimed at youth.
The recommendations contained in the document are the result of more than a year of cooperation with young people from different backgrounds and minority groups, who have provided us with their valuable perspectives and experiences. They have been an inspiration for us, which we want to pass on to other important stakeholders.
This document is an output of the project “A Part for All – Promoting the participation of young people from diverse groups”, supported by the European Union under the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 – KA210-Youth Programme.