Editorial | Jarmila Lajčáková 

Minorities and Their Rights Fully at New Administration’s Mercy | Jarmila Lajčáková 

P. Pollák: Representation of Roma in Parliament Benefits the Entire Country | Tina Gažovičová

Primary School in Šarišské Michaľany: Accepting Segregation vs. Desegregating | Jarmila Lajčáková

Will “New Data” from the WB and UNDP Improve Effectiveness of Social Policy in Slovakia? | Eva Saganová 

Strategy of Roma Integration Is Not Ideal But Offers Space for Change | Jarmila Lajčáková 

Are measures aimed at improving education of Romani children inclusive enough? A summary of survey findings
| Tina Gažovičová, Elena Gallová Kriglerová, Jana Kadlečíková, Jarmila Lajčáková 

Census Results Confirm Assumed Assimilation and Stigmatization Trends | Alena Chudžíková

How Slovakia Progressed in Integration of Foreigners in 2011? | Alena Chudžíková

First Months of Enforcing New Alien Residence Act Revealed Deficiencies | Miroslava Mittelmannová

Kategória: Nezaradené
