Editorial | (Jarmila Lajčáková)

Proposed changes to family allowance and child- birth allowance seem unconstitutional | (Jarmila Lajčáková)

Bill on socially excluded communities may have undesirable implications | (Jarmila Lajčáková)

Ethnic principle in the bill on socially excluded communities remains unaddressed | (Stano Daniel) 

Parliament passes clipped amendment to Minority language Use act, President refuses to sign it | (Jarmila Lajčáková and Alena Chudžíková)

The return of exiled languages. Amendment to Minority language Use act in the context of Slovak minority policy | (Zoltán Szalay) 

Even Funeral Act should respect diversity | (Tina Gažovičová) 

I count, you count … will it count? | (Jana Kadlečíková)

Slovakia still lags behind in integration of mig- rants | (Alena Chudžíková) 

Supporting migrants’ mother tongues | (Tina Gažovičová) 

Committee for National Minorities aims to improve minorities’ access to decision-making on their communities | (Jarmila Lajčáková)





Kategória: Nezaradené
