This publication is the result of research that focused on how human rights are reflected in the school environment in Slovakia and Norway. Based on a comparative approach, we present both an analysis of educational documents and policies in both countries in relation to human rights education, as well as the perspectives, opinions and recommendations of the children themselves. The research shows that for children in both Slovakia and Norway, human rights is a very important topic that they believe definitely belongs in schools. Children need and want to talk about these topics, but they stress that they do not just want to learn lessons, but rather to discuss the topics and use various interactive and playful forms of learning. In Norway, children encounter this approach systematically, in Slovakia only occasionally, if they are lucky enough to have empathetic and well-prepared teachers.

Preparation of the comparative study „Human Rights in Slovak and Norwegian Schools – How do children see it?“ was supported by the Bilateral Fund of the ACF-Slovakia programme, which is funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The programme is managed by the Ekopolis Foundation in partnership with the Open Society Foundation Bratislava and the Carpathian Foundation.

Kategória: Nezaradené
