During last decade V4 countries face growth of influence of ethnic identity politics and consequently of national populism in V4 countries. In each V4 country we can encounter various features of national populism – activization of a far right scene, radicalization of public discourse, or concrete policies of state administration. All these factors make mutual coexistence and cooperation of V4 countries problematic.  

Project of the national populism and nationalism research in the Czech republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia has been based both on qualitative research (semi-structured interviews) and desk research of various institutions.  


1. Semi-structured interviews with:

a. All the relevant political parties (parliamentary parties since 1990);
b. Any other party considered important in the terms of this research;
c. NGOs, civil society movements, sport fan clubs, websites or informal groups: which are identified nationalistic by social discourse, by themselves, by academics etc.
d. Representatives of above mentioned parties and groups and proponents of the national ideology and nationalism;


2. Desk research – Political parties:
a. Manifestos, program documents;
b. Attitudes and voting in some major issues concerning national appeal (immigrants, Roma, sexual minorities, liberalism, Jews, national history, foreign powers);
c. Campaign /billboards, videos, slogans/;
d. Elections successes (%);
e. Geographical and demographical distribution of support;
f. Coalition potential, participation in government.


3. Desk research – Formal and informal groups:
a. Manifestos, program documents;
b. Attitudes in some major issues concerning national appeal (immigrants, Roma, sexual minorities, liberalism, Jews, national history, foreign powers);
c. Campaigning tools /billboards, videos, slogans/;
d. Number of members / supporters / in case of websites visitors;
e. Their relations to public institutions / access to power.

Project has been concluded by presentation of an academic publication and by organization of the international conference „Nationalism and Political Parties in Visegrad Countries“ on October 18, 2011 at the Faculty of Social Studies of the Masaryk University in Brno. 

Kategória: Nezaradené
