This book is another publication of the Centre for Research on Ethnicity and Culture, which deals with vulnerable groups and their place in Slovak society. The book highlights how the pandemic has affected children and young people, the elderly, Roma, foreigners and people with disabilities. In individual chapters, we describe how various measures during the pandemic affected the lives of these groups and note in several places that the position of various vulnerable groups was exacerbated during this period. Moreover, as we highlight, the anti-pandemic measures were problematic in terms of respect for human rights. However, we also make a number of recommendations that could and should lead to better public policies in the future.

Cohesion and trust in society is largely dependent on how we can ensure that the needs of all citizens are met. It is important that every person can feel that Slovakia is his or her country too, even in times of crisis and uncertainty. For this, we need functional institutions that are there for us whenever we need them.

Implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic within the framework of the subsidy programme for the promotion, support and protection of human rights and freedoms and for the prevention of all forms of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and other manifestations of intolerance.

Kategória: Nezaradené
