The book brings interesting findings allow us to see coexistence in diverse society from both expert and humane point of view. It is a result of a two year long research project focused on integration of foreigners in Slovakia. The project entailed two representative quantitative surveys (among foreigners and majority population), one questionnaire survey among municipal offices of district capitals, 58 individual interviews with local leve integration actors, 9 focus groups with majority population and 50 individual interviews with foreigners living in Slovakia. 

This research mosaic thus explores integration of foreigners comprehensively from different perspectives. It shows that public institutions are not ready to actively work towards integration of foreigners. Migrants remain invisible for public policies. Majority population sees migration as a threat rather than an opportunity. Contacts with foreigners, however, help change these attitudes to a great extent and contribute to peaceful coexistence. For foreigners, Slovakia is a nice and peaceful country offering opportunities to live a good life. It has potential to grow which is, however, hampered by our closemindedness towards diversity.


The project „Integration of foreigners – researching barriers, instruments and attitudes is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Internal Security Fund.

Kategória: Nezaradené
